Application For TC [Transfer Certificate] In English for college & College
Application for TC [Transfer Certificate] is typically required to a student to undergo principal for changing school or college, when he got to leave or change school thanks to any reason or he has been completed his primary 5th grade education level, middle 8th grade education level and also after completing 10th, 12th and after graduation.
How To Write knowledgeable TC Application To Principal In 6 Steps
While writing an application for transfer certificate you would like to stay in mind the subsequent things.
1. Selection of words
Use formal words showing respect and obedience. Never use informal words so
2. Follow
Transfer certificate application
3. Be straightforward
Don’t feel ashamed while writing for leaving this school for getting admission into another school. Since, all schools are for you.
4. Request humbly and kindly.
The school
You are leaving not only
5. Getting admission into another school may require
Keep count of the certificates or additional document
6. Avoid non formal words
Dear Sir Respected Sir, Honorable Sir
Give Provide,
Asking for Requesting for
Give me TC Kindly Issue my TC
Let me Allow me/Permit me
Tell me Inform me
Seven Basic Guidelines For Writing An Application For TC After 10th & 12th
School Transfer Certificate attestation in Dubai
1. Firstly, Address the Principal, HM or to whom
2. Say kind words of Salutation with due respect.
3. Mention
4. Start
7. Lastly, conclude your letter with a note of thanks
Below are some best selected example for getting tc from school college and university.
1. Sample Application For TC for school Students
You might be seeing for the sample Tc application in English for school principal
The Principal
JL Nehru Institute of Engineering & Science,
Date:10th April, 2021
Subject: Request for the Issuance of Transfer Certificate
Honorable Sir/Madam,
With due respect,
I shall be extremely thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking in anticipation,
Sincerely Yours!
Seat Number/Roll Number: XYZ
Application for transfer certificate
2. Request Application For TC From School By Parents For Changing School Sample
The Principal
JL Nehru School
Date: 21st April, 2021
Subject: Application with the request for Transfer Certificate
Respected Sir,
With great respect and due honor, I request in your kind honor that my son, Mr. Kishwar successfully completed his Matriculation
It is an honor for us being his parents. Now, For continuing education ahead he, therefore, needs
With humble request and gratitude I request you to kindly issue Transfer certificate in
Thanking in anticipation
Father/Guardian of Mr. Kishwar
New horizon Street, Model Colony,
Tc Application by parents
3. Sample Request Letter for college Transfer Certificate
The Principal
ABC School UAE
Date: 22 May 2021
Subject: application for the issuance
Respected Sir,
With profound respect and honor, I request in your kind honor that I, Mr. Talha Asad, has been
I shall be thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Yours sincerely,
Roll No:40,
ABC School UAE
Tc application
4. Application For TC (Transfer Certificate) From School thanks to Shifting
Application for transfer certificate from school due shifting home sample is given below.
The Principal
New city English School,
Data: 25th May, 2021
Subject: Application with the request to issue transfer certificate
Respected Sir,
With due respect and reverence,
I would be obliged to you for this act
Yours obediently,
Class 6th
Roll Number: 14
New City English School, Kolkatta.
5. Sample TC Application For University Candidate Application for TC for college student .
The Dean/Head of Department
Jahawahr Lal Nehru University
Date: 31st April, 2020
Subject: Application requesting for the issuance of Transfer Certificate in respect of undersigned
Honorable Sir,
With profound respects and reverence,
I therefore, request in your esteemed honor to entertain my request and kindly issue transfer certificate
Yours sincerely,
Department of Literature & Linguistics
Jahawar Lala Nehru University
Academic Year 2020-2021.
6. Sample Application for college Leaving Certificate
School leaving application is request letter from student or his parent to go of faculty . during this sort of letter student apologize for college transfer certificate. There could also be various reasons during a student’s life for college leaving like , thanks to financial problem, due to shifting house. Any a student would need to write a application to principal for college leaving.
The Principal
School Address,
Data: 27th April, 2021
Subject: Application for leaving certificate.
Respected Sir,
With due respect,
Therefore, my humble request in your kind is, to issue me school leaving certificate.
I shall be grateful to you and
Obediently Yours!
Class 10th
Roll No 09
FAQ’S On TC Application Letter
Q: 01.Answer: TC stands for the Transfer Certificate.
Q: 02. How
Answer: Writing the transfer certificate application
1. Addressing the Principal or Head of department with Kind and Formal words.
2. Write out your subject of application clearly.
3. Briefly introduce yourself in first paragraph.
4. Write clearly
5. Close application with positive note and sincere wishes.
Q: 03. How
Q: 04. Is transfer certificate and migration certificate same?
one student completes his education at one school
Therefore, if
Q: 05.
Answer: You can’t take admission without TC. However, in some conditions,
For that,
Q: 06. Is migration certificate compulsory?
Answer: Both, the migration certificate and TC are important documents. You can’t get admission without them. Since they certify your level of education at some school,